[ENG] Cooking : Korean Fish-shaped Cake Bungeoppang (붕어빵)

Yesterday I went to my friend house and make something for picnic plan, so I decided to make some sweet things and Bungeoppang became my choice. I love bungeoppang so much, it has light taste but sweet, it's perfect snack for picnic. I got this recipe from Maangchi, one of korean youtuber that cooking especially korean food. The step to how it cooked may a little bit different from Maangchi, but the ingredients is the same. We just need to mix all the ingredients and it doesn't much, and easy to find, you may have it and stock it in your kitchen, just grab it. And I love with the result, it's turned out crispy, sweet golden brown. Bungeoppang is one of most popular Korean street snack, you may want to try it if you like sweet things, some of you may like it because some korean drama show how delicious this snack looks like. We just need to try something to make our life more savory and delicious (just like the food we ate) hehe.

I'm so thankful and happy that my friend also like the taste of Bungeoppang, actually we really have similar taste in food, so I'm relieved for this. It's especially more delicious when it's hot, so it's better to eat it right away after you made it, you'll love the taste of it, I hope so. For this bungeoppang I make something different with the usual one, I filled the bread with some bananas, while the original one filled it with red bean paste, you can always adjust it to your taste, no offend, just enjoy what you like and that can make you feel happy and special. Enjoy cooking!

Korean Fish-shaped bread (붕어빵) recipe

It's pretty easy to make this, for the first step we can prepared some bananas like this (I just cut it in small pieces, to make a little bit texture of it) or smashed it like puree.

 Prepare mixture ingredients, dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, salt)
 For wet ingredients just water, sugar (granulated sugar).
 Mix the dry and wet ingredients, and then I also added vegetable oil in it to make it crispy
 Prepare your bungeoppang pan, preheat it in your gas stove/ electrical stove and grease with oil

 Take some mixture, added the filling and covered it again with some mixture, close the pan, and wait until golden brown, it takes around 3 minutes for each flipped.
 Your korean fish-shaped cake bungeoppang is ready to be served. Enjoy it while it's still hot!

