[ENG] Cooking Recipe : Mini Pizza
Craving for something at night, and just found all purpose flour so I'm feeling like making some pizza. Then I decided to make mini pizza. It's easy to make and the ingredients so easy to find. My mom just make some meat dishes and it's became my topping, what a great things I have here. Let's make mini pizza together! Especially on weekend, we can make it with our whole family. What're you waiting for! Let's get it started!
Ingredients :
- all purpose flour 2-3 cup, it's a must
- instant yeast 2 1/2tsp
- lukewarm water 1 cup
- vegetable oil/ olive oil 1 tbs
- salt 1/2 tsp
- Chili sauce
- Mix herbs
- Meat
- Cheese slices
- Mixed yeast with warm water, let it seat for 5-10 minutes
- On large bowl, mix flour and salt. Add mixed yeast.
- Add some oil to the dough, mix it well.
- Let the dough until double in size, approximately it takes 1- 1 1/2 hour.
- Flatten the dough, make it into small and round pieces to make mini pizza shape
- Use fork to make holes on pizza
- Spread some topping, let it seat for another 5-10 minutes
- Preheat oven at 175-180 degrees celsius. Baked it for 15-20 minutes. If you wanna get it more golden brown, bake it again for another 5 minutes at 200-230 degrees celsius
- Pizza is ready to be served!
Enjoy your mini pizza!