Recipe : Choco Banana Bread
Hi! Everyone! In this post I'd like to share my favorite bread ever! Wherever I bought some bread, this one become my favorite, because I love the filling of this bread! It's Banana filling with melted chocolate inside and crumble milk powder outside! very delicious! so when I've got the time, here is it, I'm trying to make my own choco banana bread with my styles! ;)
For this recipe, you can add the filling however you want and like! Just freely add your own filling! It's up to you! For me it must be more bananaaaaaaaaaaaaaa because I'm banana lovers so i need to devoted to them haha! ;)
Here's the ingredients you might need to make this special choco banana bread! Here We Go!
2 Cups and 2 tbsp flour
1 cup lukewarm water
1 tsp instant dry yeast
2 tbsp granulated sugar
2 tbsp butter or margarine
1 egg yolk
a pinch of baking powder
For filling, we need :
6 small bananas
2 tbsp chocolate sprinkles
2 tbsp granulated sugar
For brushing (mix it well):
1 egg white
1 tbsp milk or powdered milk
For topping (optional):
2 tbsp powdered milk
1 tsp cocoa powder
- First, let's make the dough by mixing all together the wet ingredients like : lukewarm water, sugar, yeast, let it seat for 5-10 minutes
- In the mixing bowl, add flour, mixing wet ingredients, butter and egg yolk, mixed it well by hand, knead it around 10-15 minutes or so and then add baking powder, knead it again until smooth texture.
- Let the dough rise for about an hour or until double in size (depend on your room temperature).
- Prepare your bread pan. In this recipe I use my square shape pan to make it easier later to cut the bread into bite sizes. You can use any pan you like.
- Flatten, hit lightly the dough, cut into 2 same size for bottom and top part.
- Take one of the dough, flatten it into the pan like this.
7. Add banana cut size as much as you want! It's pretty much impressive to add more banana to your like, especially when you like banana so much! What a precious filling!
8. Sprinkles granulated sugar and sprinkles chocolates evenly!

9. Cover it lightly with another piece of dough! make a hole lightly with fork for some part to make it cook nice and evenly. This part is so much fun, I think kid will love this and so do I! hehe ;)
11. Preheat oven to 230 degrees celsius and bake for approximately 20 minutes or until golden brown.
12. Enjoy! Served it while it's still hot or later when it's not that hot to eat! Love, comment and share this! Love you all! See you in my next post!