Cha Seung-won dan Yoo Hae-jin dipersatukan kembali di acara membuka penginapan di Eropa! Mereka berdua menunjukkan chemistry selagi menyiapkan warm meals dan kenangan kepada travelers Korea yang berkunjung.
Hi, semua! Akhir-akhir ini baru beresin nonton show Korea nih dan kayaknya asyik deh kalau berbagi tentang show ini. Ada total 11 episode Korean Hostel in Spain untuk penjelajah/travelers yang jalan menyusuri kota dan butuh tempay untuk istirahat diantara perjalanan dan Hostel Korea menyiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan great hospitality. Awalnya untuk welcoming orang Korea saja tapi menarik orang dari berbagai negara untuk merasakan bagaimana pelayanan di Hostel Korea ini.
Seneng deh nonton show ini, cast-nya Cha Seung Won, Yoo Hae Jin and Bae Jung Nam punya peran masing-masing dalam melayani tamu yang datang ke Hostel, ada departemen yang menyambut tamu/resepsionis, memasak, bersih-bersih dan masih banyak lagi tugas lainnya demi memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada tamunya yang lelah, butuh waktu untuk pemulihan, ngumpulin energi lagi dan bersemangat untuk perjalanan selanjutnya.
Seneng deh nonton show ini, cast-nya Cha Seung Won, Yoo Hae Jin and Bae Jung Nam punya peran masing-masing dalam melayani tamu yang datang ke Hostel, ada departemen yang menyambut tamu/resepsionis, memasak, bersih-bersih dan masih banyak lagi tugas lainnya demi memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada tamunya yang lelah, butuh waktu untuk pemulihan, ngumpulin energi lagi dan bersemangat untuk perjalanan selanjutnya.
Yang membuat acara show ini makin menarik lagi adalah bagaimana mereka menghadapi tamu yang datang, menyiapkan segala sesuatu meskipun semua ini adalah pengalaman/ hal yang baru bagi mereka di Negara berbeda seperti Spanyol sebagai lokal yang menyambut tamu, belanja, menikmati pemandangan indah disetiap tempat yang mereka kunjungi dan nikmati and relate with it. Love like this!
Kita juga belajar bagaimana memasak makanan Korea yang populer sekarang karena KPOP (salah satu genre musik Pop Korea) and Hallyu Wave (Karena Drama Korea). Bagaimana adegannya memiliki nilai produksi yang baik, nice directing dan membayangkan semuanya terlihat enak dan bikin ngiler hanya dengan menontonnya saja. Saya yakin pecinta makanan pasti senang deh, suara sizzle makanan yang dimasak dengan baik, warnanya menggiurkan haha (kalau suka acara show tentang makanan pasti deh ngerasain ini).
Selain itu ada nilai budayanya juga tentang Korea dan negara lain yang dibagi antara tamu yang datang dalam show ini, cerita perjalanan mereka, dan seru, lucunya candaan diantara member cast yang ikut di show ini, dan masih banyak kejutan lainnya yang muncul disetiap harinya mereka melayani tamu di Hostel Korea. Just watch this show! What do you think about this show?
Selain itu ada nilai budayanya juga tentang Korea dan negara lain yang dibagi antara tamu yang datang dalam show ini, cerita perjalanan mereka, dan seru, lucunya candaan diantara member cast yang ikut di show ini, dan masih banyak kejutan lainnya yang muncul disetiap harinya mereka melayani tamu di Hostel Korea. Just watch this show! What do you think about this show?
Premiere: 23 Mar
On Air: Every Sat 20:00 (JKT)
Genre: Travel, Lifestyle
Cast: Cha Seung Won, Bae Jung Nam and Yoo Hea Jin
Genre: Travel, Lifestyle
Cast: Cha Seung Won, Bae Jung Nam and Yoo Hea Jin
tvn on youtube
Cha Seung-won and Yoo Hae-jin reunite to run a travel lodge in Europe! The two show their chemistry as they serve warm meals and memories to passing Korean travelers.
Hi, everyone! Recently, I'm just finished watched one of Korean reality show and it's kinda nice to share it with you guys. There's 11 episodes, This one is about opening a hostel for pilgrims that walk along the city and need a place to rest between their journey and here's the Korean hostel prepare everything for them with great hospitality. The purpose at first to welcome Korean guest but it's also interest other nationality/others countries pilgrims to take a chance with their service.
It's so nice to see this show, the cast, Cha Seung Won, Yoo Hae Jin and Bae Jung Nam has their own roles to serve the guest that come to the Hostel, there's department that welcoming guest/receptionist, cooking, cleaning and many more duty to serve the best thing ever for the guest who's tired and need some time to healing, recharge and energize before their next trip.
What's make the show more interesting is how they face the guest, prepare everything instead of their new experience in new country like Spain as local that welcome the guest, grocery shopping time, enjoy the best view of Spain that also show us the beauty of every place that they visit to enjoy and relate with it. Love like this!
We also learn how they cooking Korean dishes that's popular nowadays because of KPOP (Korean Pop Genre Music) and Hallyu Wave (Because of Korean Drama), how enticing the scene with good production value, nice directing and imagining everything looks delicious and appetizing even make us drool just by watching it. I bet food lovers also will like this, sizzling sounds of the dish that's been cooked nicely, nice color there haha (you'll feel the same if you like food show).
Beside that there's cultural things about Korea and other countries that's share between the pilgrims that visit the show, their story of journey and how funny the jokes and playfulness between the member cast that participate in this show, and many surprises idea that come across each day that they serve the guest in Korean Hostel. Just watch this show! What do you think about this show?
Premiere: 23 Mar
On Air: Every Sat 20:00 (JKT)
Genre: Travel, Lifestyle
Cast: Cha Seung Won, Bae Jung Nam and Yoo Hea Jin
On Air: Every Sat 20:00 (JKT)
Genre: Travel, Lifestyle
Cast: Cha Seung Won, Bae Jung Nam and Yoo Hea Jin
credit : https://www.tvnasia.net/en/tvn-asia/programme/Korean-Hostel-In-Spain.html
tvn on youtube
Love . . . love this drama so sooooooo much. I'm being exaggerate of this drama called Krong Kam. This one is unusually stole my heart in no time. The stories almost classic and common but once you get involved in this you'll definitely fall in love at first sight, the story so real and it's come from novel with heart wrenching feeling lingering when you enjoy drama that deep in story and character.
Most of the cast are beautiful and handsome and they can act well too, what a plus! the cinematography so good and historic, we can see how the story about rich man in some eras (old times) that show off their wealth despite their surrounding that really different from them, their neighborhood seem to know how well off the rich man and how they monopolize the environment around them.
There's the mother with four great son (in her eyes), everything need to be how the way she want and her sons need to be a dutiful son and except from that they're nice son and always trying to satisfies what their mother even with their mother greediness but their father is a good man and gentle, the opposite of the mother, maybe that's why the sons still nice despite the strong and even harsh character of the mother. And it's also apply with their private life, they need to be married with the one their mother mother choose (depend on wealthiness of the daughter in law material). Even the eldest son already have fiancee but one day he came with a wife from somewhere else. His mother became furious and disagree with his son choice so it became struggle of her daughter in law. There's war between them and it's quite harsh. I know it's sound too ordinary, common, and nothing special about how mother in law and daughter in law that didn't match with each other but that's how the story begin and what makes it special is how the story deliver smoothly without being forceful to the viewers. Besides the other story about the others son compliment with each other. Thinks that relate to our daily life, prejudice about people, that's kind of awesome. Great directing, writers and all the production films! I recommend you give it a try!
We can watch this drama on their official youtube channel with english subtitle that prepared by loyal fans, so great!
- Title: กรงกรรม / Krong Kam
- Also known as: Cage of Karma
- Genre: Romance/Drama/Family
- Air time: Monday & Tuesday 8:20pm (20:20)
- Broadcast network: Channel 3
- Broadcast period: February 26, 2019 — Currently airing
Mai Charoenpura as Yoi (Mother)
Bella Vanita as Reynu (Pathom's Wife)
James Jirayu Tangsrisuk as Kamol/ Ahsa (Yoi's 3rd Son)
Phet Thakrit Hamannopjit as Pathom/ Chai (Yoi's oldest Son/Reynu's Husband)
Champ Chanatip Phothongka as Prasong/Tong (Yoi's 2nd Son)
August Vachiravit Paisarnkulwong as Mongkol/See (Yoi's 4th Son)
Hi guys! di postingan kali ini kita mau berbagi resep cara bikin roti korea bentuk ikan alias bungeoppang yang terkenal dan khas banget korea, apalagi banyak muncul di drama-drama korea ataupun acara reality show korea. Daripada penasaran aja dengan gimana rasanya, mending bikin sendiri, caranya mudah, begitu pula bahannya mudah didapat, jadi bisa langsung dipraktekkan! beli juga bisa sih, tapi kalau bikin jadi lebih fun, kan!
Pertama-tama, campur semua bahan kering (terigu, baking soda, gula, wijen), tambahkan air
Potong-potong kecil pisang atau langsung dihaluskan, masukkan ke adonan, campur rata
Siapkan pan untuk membuat bungeoppang, panaskan di atas api, olesi minyak.
Ambil sedikit adonan, tambahkan isian (stik keju), tutup dengan adonan, tutup pan, tunggu hingga kecoklatan, balikkan pan sesekali.
Your korean fish-shaped cake bungeoppang is ready to be served. Enjoy it while it's still hot!
Ini dia resep Bungeoppang - Korean Fish-shaped bread
- 1 cup terigu
- ½ sdt baking soda
- 2-3 sdm gula pasir (sesuai selera)
- 1 cup air
- 1 sdm minyak goreng untuk campuran adonan (optional, kadang kita pakai, kadang tidak)
- 1 sdm minyak goreng untuk mengoles pan
- Keju stik, potong kecil
- Pisang dipotong kecil-kecil, dilembutkan sedikit saja biar masih ada teksturnya. Versi originalnya pakai pasta kacang merah. Karena suka pisang, jadi saya pakai pisang.
- Wijen 1sdm
Pertama-tama, campur semua bahan kering (terigu, baking soda, gula, wijen), tambahkan air
Potong-potong kecil pisang atau langsung dihaluskan, masukkan ke adonan, campur rata
I love porridge, especially chicken porridge. Indonesian people often eat porridge for breakfast but I eat that depend on my mood, not everyday. Chicken porridge so yummy when you're eaten that at morning, it's easy to digest because it's made of rice that's been added water much more than when you cooked the rice properly, it's much liquid than rice, so soft, savory in flavor. We also eat porridge when we're sick and hard to eat, it's bring back appetite.
There's so many porridge seller in Indonesia, especially in the morning time, near the public health/hospital, central city park or even near your home. The seller showed their porridge and sell it with manual chart that can be pushed by themselves "gerobak dorong". It's kind of unique and also nice to see that, because we can see clearly what the seller take with them and how convenient for us to buy from them.
We also can make it at home. My mom often make it wherever she has time or when my family getting sick and need porridge to feel better. I'm glad that my mom is a good cooker, so I get to taste delicious food every time and it's kinda make me love homemade food than anything else, my palate became sensitive with "msg" I prefer natural seasoning and it's still delicious to eat, but sometimes eat "flavorful food" ;)
Here's my favorite porridge made by my mom!
I love the boiled egg that cooked like this so soft, fluff and yummy! Green onions one of the topping that I love, shredded chicken not a must but complete the porridge, don't forget to add sweet soy sauce to add sweetness! I can eat two bowls of this, SURE!

and this is the one that I buy from the porridge seller near my home!
I love the crackers, nuts and sambal (spicy sauce) and everything mixed together like this before eating this! It's make the porridge much more delicious with various kind of flavor that's great if we combine it together!
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I love food, cooking, beauty. This is all about my lifestyle and my interest.
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